Senin, 02 Juli 2012


A.        Choose the right answer by crossing (X) a, b, c or d! 

  My name is Fajar. Look! This is a picture of my family. There are four members here. They are my mother, my father, I and the little one is my mother. My mother is a nurse and my father is a doctor. They work in the hospital. My sister is a kindergarten student. And I am a student too. We are really a happy family. I love it very much.

1.        How many members are Fajar’s families?
a.       There are two members
b.      There are three members
c.       There are four members
d.      There are five members
2.        What is Fajar’s mother?
a.         She is a nurse
b.         She is a doctor
c.         She is a student
d.        She is a kindergarten student
3.        Where does Fajar’s father work?
a.       in the school
b.      in the garden
c.       in the hospital
d.      in the house
4.        Why does Fajar love his family? Because …
a.       it is a big family
b.      it is a happy family
c.       it is a complete family
d.      it is a nice family
5.        What is the best title for the text above?
a.       Fajar’s family
b.      Fajar’s father
c.       Fajar’s mother
d.      Fajar’s sister
6.        Fina          : Do you have an uncle?
Windi       : Yes, I do.
Fina          : what is your uncle’s name?
Windi       : … name is Rianto
a.       my
b.      your
c.       her
d.      his 
7.        The father of my mother is…
a.       my uncle
b.      my brother
c.       my father
d.      my grandfather

8.        Those are Rani, Seno and Adit. They are Mr. Suhaya's children.
       Mr. Suhaya has … children.
a.         one 
b.         two
c.         three
d.        four
9.        Mrs. Erni is Mr. Suhaya’s …
a.         wife
b.         sister
c.         mother
d.        daughter
10.    Rita has two brothers. They are …
a.         Hadi and Erni
b.         Hadi and Suhaya
c.         Hadi and Rita
d.        Hadi and Pepi
11.    Hartono’s hobby is ….  He is cyclist.
a.         painting
b.         cycling
c.         fishing
d.        singing
12.    I play the kite with my cousin. The underlined word means …
a.         adik
b.         paman
c.         sepupu
d.        keponakan
      That is my …
a.       grand father
b.      grand mother
c.       grand son
d.      grand daughter

14.    Mr. Aji and his family live on Jalan Kenanga. There are six members in the family. Mr. Aji, Mrs. Aji, Sinta, Seno and their grand parents. Grand parents means…
a.       Uncle and aunt
b.      Brother and sister
c.       Father and mother
d.      Grand father and grand mother
15.    Mr. Dadang has a son.  His son woks in a bakery. … is a baker.
a.       Mr. Dadang
b.      Mr. Dadang’s son
c.       Mr. Dadang’s father
d.      Mr. Dadang’s friend
16.    Leni          : Hi Erik, where is Mrs. Yeni?
Eka           : She is teaching.
Leni          : I see, she is in the…
Eka           : Yes, that’s right.
a.       teacher’s room
b.      waiting room
c.       classroom
d.      art room
17.    Rendi       : Is the canteen behind the class?
Resta        : …, the canteen is behind the library.
a.       Yes, it is
b.      Yes, the canteen is behind the class
c.       No, it is not
d.      No, the canteen is behind the library
18.    nine - classrooms – there are - in my school
Rearrange these words into a complete sentence!
a.       Nine classrooms in my school there are
b.      In my school there are nine classrooms
c.       There are nine classrooms in my school
d.      Classrooms in my school there are nine
19.  1)    There is also a clock between these two pictures
2)        There are two pictures on the wall
3)        This is my classroom
4)        They are the pictures of the President and the Vice President
Rearrange these sentences into a complete paragraph!
a.       1 – 2 – 3 - 4
b.      2 – 4 – 1 - 3
c.       3 – 2 – 4 - 1
d.      4 – 3 – 2 - 1

20.  I'm reading in the library. It is in front of the teacher's room.                                                                    

Where is the teacher’s room?
a.         It is in front of the library
b.         It is next to the kitchen
c.         It is behind the classroom
d.        It is between the art room and the classroom

      The students are holding a flag ceremony in the...
a.       Classroom
b.      Parking lot
c.       Schoolyard
d.      School garden

22.    It is a big room. The students are reading books there. It’s a …
a.       library
b.      canteen
c.       mosque
d.      office
23.    r – m – e – a – r – k = …
Rearrange these letters into a complete word and guess what is it!

24.    The teacher is writing on the … by a board marker.
a.       blackboard
b.      whiteboard
c.       clipboard
d.      keyboard
25.    The scouts are having an activity in the field.
a.       Para pramuka melaksanakan kegiatan di lapangan
b.      Para polisi melaksanakan kegiatan di lapangan
c.       Para tentara melaksanakan kegiatan di lapangan
d.      Para pelaut melaksanakan kegiatan di lapangan
What are they doing? They are …
a.       Studying in the classroom
b.      Reading a book in the library
c.       Having cakes and soft-drink in the canteen
d.      Planting trees in the school garden
27.     The students are having an art exercise in the …
a.       art room
b.      school garden
c.       parking lot
d.      sport land

28.    Beni          : Hello, My name is Beni.
Ari            : Hi, I am Ari. Nice to meet you!
Beni          : …
a.       Good bye
b.      See you later
c.       Fancy meeting you
d.      Nice to meet you too
29.    Mother     : Happy birthday!
Redi         : Thank you, mom.
Mother     : …
a.       Hello  
b.      Wish me luck
c.       Congratulation
d.      You are welcome
        There comes a new student in our class. Let’s say… to her.
a.    Good morning
b.    Happy new year
c.    How are you
d.   Welcome
B.        Fill in the blank with the right answer!
                                       Lia       : what do you bring?
 Yeti     : I bring a...

2.        Is Mr. Adam your neighbor? … , he is.
3.        This is Indra and that is Dedi. … are my uncles.
4.        My aunt is a secretary. It means…
                                               I have … brothers.

6.        The teachers park their motorcycles in the...
7.        Mila          : …is the toilet?
Lela          : It is behind the mosque.
                                    The flag is ... the school yard.

                                         The … is cleaning the school every day.

10.    Fenti         : Today is first of January. It’s a new year.
  …, Kristin!
Kristin      : Thanks.